Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Headstart 2014

Back to work mode. Back to the usual routine.

However, I am quite happy of making some changes in the usual routine and I feel I am reaping the benefits of it or rather "we" are reaping the benefits. 

For 2014, I've made a realistic list of what I wanted to achieve either long-term or short term. One of my top priorities is going back to the "bookworm mode" which goes hand in hand with "the writer" mindset. 

I will take the challenge of at least making an entry on a weekly basis without editing and writing as spontaneous as I can be. 

Also, I want to dedicate more time in planning and prepping meals for my family. Taking on the not so usual recipes. As adventurous and risk taker I am with my hairstyle - I know I can do this! 

We have ended 2013 on a high note and I plan to maintain it as it is. Way to go 2014! keeping my pace on the right track. 

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